Dr. Annapurna Patil - Past Chair
Dr Annapurna P Patil is working as a Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology; Bangalore-54. She has an experience of 23 yrs in academics. She is a Senior IEEE member, LMCSI, LMISTE, Member ACM, Faculty Advisor of IEEE, WiE, MSRIT. She has published several papers in various National and International conferences and in reputed Journals. She has also participated as Session Chairs in various Conferences both at National and International Level. She is involved in many community service activities as a part of IEEE WiE affinity group conducting workshops on ICT for school girls and seminars on general wellbeing of women. Dr Patil has been involved in Collaborative works with Industries like CISCO, IBM, HPE, TransNeuron and Nihon Communications Ltd, Bangalore in the areas of Wireless networks, Cognitive Computing, IoT and Cloud. She is a Passionate Teacher and a Mentor and Guide to many of the PG students at MSRIT and other PhD aspirants. Presently she has six research scholars working under her guidance in the area of Wireless Networks, Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence.