Dr. Y V S Lakshmi
Dr Lakshmi received Ph.D. from ECE Dept , Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Completed basic course on IPR conducted by WIPO and P.G. Diploma in IPR Law from NLSIU, Bangalore. Gained more than twenty years’ experience in the Telecom Industry in Quality, Reliability, Failure Analysis, Corporate Functions, IPR, Training & Teaching, and technology marketing. Currently Group Leader IPR, Marketing & Knowledge Management group, C-DOT, Bangalore, Prior to CDOT worked at ITI Ltd. Bangalore. Published and presented more than 100 papers in National and International Journals. Patented ‘Current controlled variable resistor through superconductors’. Received Sir.M.Visweswarayya Award for extraordinary contributions to Engineering on Sep 2011. Received REVA Engineering Excellence Award 2018 in recognition of overall contribution in the field of engineering and Technology. She is a Fellow IETE, Senior Member IEEE & Life member IMAPS.