WiE Parichaya

WiE Women’s Day Celebrations:

Women’s Day Celebrations – WiE Bangalore Section
- Women’s role in Science and Engineering was organized at IIT, Delhi in collaboration with WIE, Bangalore section and India Chapter on March 9th, 2021.
- Release of e-book on “Celebrating Leaders of WiE AGs”. Dr. Y.V.S Lakshmi, Dr. Deepa Shenoy, Mrs. Anandi Giridharan, Prof. T Srinivas from IEEE Bangalore section and Dr.Inderpreet Kaur were present during the event.
- A One-minute video recording of all WIE Execom members, past chairs, mentors on the theme “Choose to Challenge” will be uploaded to the WiE website. Link here – Choose to Challenge
- The Women’s Day celebration was organized by IEEE TEMS on title Choose to Challenge on 13th March 2021.
- Talk on Funding opportunities for women – Dr Uma Raghunathan, Director, AICTE – between March 10th-15th.
- Panel Discussion by women leaders – Breaking the Glass Ceiling was organized by IEEE Mysore Sub-section, North Karnataka sub-section and Mangalore Sub-section jointly. The Welcome address was given by WiE Chair Mrs. Anandi Giridharan and the vote of gratitude was placed on record by Dr. Kumudhini Ravindra. The event was moderated by Dr. Bindu Thomas.
- International Women in Engineering Day: The speaker was Dr. Deepa Shenoy, her address and her journey with IEEE WIE was an inspiring one to all. Dr. Sujatha, Dr. Annapurna Patil and Ms. Divya M G took us on a motivational path on how the WIE members can be instrumental in emphasizing the importance of technical competency and how one can contribute to it. Ms. Sadhana Attavar who was the immediate past WiE chair in 2020 spoke on how the challenges and opportunities that come creates an environment to be a team leader and a team player. The virtual event saw the presence of good number of participants across the state.

Women’s Day Celebrations - Student Branches
- Dr. Shanthi, Gynaecologist “Awareness on Adolescence and Women Health – along with BMSCE – March 10th, 2021
- A talk on Stress Management by Dr. Romilla Shekhar organized by Canara Engineering college.
- A talk on Veda and Electronics by Dr. Mukund, Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology, organized by K S Institute of Technology.
- Three-day WIE Technodium was organized at Ramaiah institute of Technology. Women achievers wer e felicitated and they delivered inspirational talks to the students, panel discussion by Alumini who have excelled in various fields and technical events for students were part of the celebrations
- Women health and hygiene for high school girls – organized by Gogte Institute of Technology.
WiE Cyber Security Awareness Initiatives
The Cyber Security Awareness initiative was conducted on 30th April 2021, in collaboration with IEEE WIE Bangalore Section and The International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC²) Bangalore Chapter. The session was about Cyber Awareness session via the “Safe and Secure Program” of (ISC²) for various age groups. This session had two modules to discuss the vulnerabilities and common issues faced by each age group along with the awareness piece on it.
Module1-Safe and Secure Program for parents of school-going children:
The content helped parents understand the cyber world and what the children are doing within it, and how best we can ensure their safety online.
Module2-Safe and Secure Program – Seniors Edition:
This module busted a lot of myths about the internet and was intended to build confidence in our seniors/elder citizens to not only use the internet safely but also to familiarize them with basic security concepts like internet hygiene, safe banking to name a few.
Session Speakers:
Shilpa Iyer, Membership Director, ISC² Bangalore Chapter Regional Security & Regulatory Compliance Manager at British Telecommunications Public Limited Company
Prasanna Venkatesh, Director of Learning, ISC² Bangalore Chapter Senior Manager – Information Security at Navi.

WiE Mock Interviews Initiative
Mock interview was held at JNN college of engineering (JNNCE), Shivamogga and Canara Engineering College (CEC), Benjanapadavu.
The first pilot event was conducted for 2 days, by IEEE Student Branch – JNNCE, with 125 student participants on June 12th and 13th , whereas the event at CEC was organized for one day, on June 26th with Over 80 students participants.
1. Talk on “How to ace an Interview”
This talk was delivered by Dr Soma Pandey on May 26, and was benefited by 135 participants, who were guided on the common do’s and don’ts while facing an interview. Dr Soma spoke about the way to present in technical round followed by what should be the attitude and body language and finally the important skills needed for an ECE and CSE student. The top trending technologies as of today in industries were also briefly discussed. This talk was a prequel to the pilot initiatives of mock interview.
2. Pilot mock interview program:
SBMDC in association with ESC, WiE and IEEE MSS conducted a pilot program on “Mock Interview” aimed at training students regarding how to face second or final round of job interviews be it by technical or HR professionals. This initiative was mainly Intended for the rural/remote engineering colleges students of 6th and 8th semester and was conducted on WebEx platform.
Feedback was collected from participants from both SBs. Bangalore section SBMDC issued appreciation certificates to organizers SB coordinators and panelists. The general observations and feedback about the participants were shared by the panelists to the coordinators soon after the event. Both the events were open to students, both IEEE and non-Members.

CONECCT 2021 - WiE Conference Track
International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, CONECCT is a flagship conference of the IEEE Bangalore Section, India. The CONECCT 2021 was the 7th edition and was held during JULY 9-11, 2021. The conference featured plenary talks, workshops and invited papers by distinguished researchers and technologists as well as from academia and industry professionals.
The CONECCT 2021 provided a platform for technologists, researchers, business captains and industry leaders across the globe to share their ideas on emerging technologies and newer solutions that can guide and lead towards a better tomorrow.
The IEEE WiE AG had a special track in the CONECCT 2021 conference including events like Tutorials, Call for Papers (presented by women author) and Technical session by experts.
The IEEE WiE team had hosted 4 tutorial sessions with eminent speakers for IEEE CONECCT 2021 Conference on 9th July 2021. These tutorial sessions addressed the state-of-the-art theory and applications in the following fields:
Technical Session – Invited Talks:

WIE Panel Discussion
Discussion Topic: How Secure are Smart Systems from Real-Life Cyber-attacks?
Panelist: Dr. Kumudhini Ravindra, Dr. Soma Pandey, Dr. Annapurna Patil, Ms. Gayathri Devi B R,
Panel Moderator: Ms. Manjula C
WiE Bangalore Section Chair: Mrs. Anandi Giridharan
Outcome of Panel Discussion: This panel discussion enabled audiences from academia, industry, government as well as students to get fair idea of security threat to smart sensors-based systems, the vulnerability to be addressed in future design as well as for future research in related areas.