Ms. Ashwini V R - Vice Chair
Ashwini has more than a decade of teaching experience in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering with UG and PG in Communication Engineering and has been the branch councilor at Canara Engineering College, Benjanapadavu. She is senior IEEE member, she's been the SAC CoChair Bangalore Section, SAC Chair for Mangalore Sub-Section 2018 and Secretary Mangalore Sub-Section 2017 Mangalore Sub-Section. She's also been Publicity chair - DISCOVER 2016 and 2018 a flagship conference of Mangalore Sub-Section. Interests are in the area of Biomedical engineering, Machine learning and Signal processing. Special interests in technological interventions for solving civil society problems, frugal innovations and observing the natural habitat and the interaction of various species cohabiting a given geographical area. - Chair Elect